
The universe is made of a single eternal substance, eternally vibrating in an infinite range of frequencies. Everything we know is something vibrating: the universe is like a vast orchestra playing an eternal music of millions of octaves combined into an infinite variety of melody and harmonies. The vibrations are the universal life, all under the control of a single eternal Law which causes the harmonic vibrations to unite. From every union of vibrations under this Law something new emerges. From this Law, everything in the Universe from electrons to God has emerged.


Frequency is the periodic speed at which something vibrates. It is measured in hertz (Hz), or cycles per second.

Energy is consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its frequency. The process of how fast or slow energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the vibration rate. The process of how fast or slow that same energy expands away from the center point of the source field is the oscillation rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration (contraction) and oscillation (expansion) speed is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things.


A harmonic is defined as an integermultiple of a fundamental frequency. This means that a fundamental tone generates higher-frquency tones called overtones. These shorter, faster waves oscillate between two ends of a string or air column. As these reflected waves interact, the frequencies of wavelengths that do not divide into even proportions are suppressed, and the remaining vibrations are called the harmonics.


Resonance occurs when two or more interconnected objects share the same vibrational frequency. When one of the objects is vibrating, it forces the second object into vibrational motion. The result is a large vibration.

Thought waves

Like everything else in the Universe, thought waves have their own unique frequency. And, once a thought is accepted into the conscious mind, it imprints itself on the sub-conscious like a computer, which then attracts and magnetizes it. Our thoughts are frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating. And it is our aura that acts as an antenna to attract them. So we are unconsciously broadcasting frequencies that are picking up resonant frequencies from everyone and everything around us. We are literally attracting vibrational frequencies back to ourselves like a magnet. This resonance is the basis for a universal law – the Law of Attraction.

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