
Personal anger and blame is not productive for anyone that is unhappy with some person, or circumstance in their life. To empower oneself, one must take responsibility for their emotions, thought forms and their interactions with others. Without personal responsibility one’s life will descend into a spiral of pain, suffering, with excuses made for promoting negative behaviors. The person this hurts the most is the person generating the negative thoughts. No matter how much you are angered by someone else, that person is not nearly as impacted by your generated hate thought form than yourself. This is an action of self sabotage. Stopping the cycle is imperative to learning how to revalue oneself, revalue others and live a life that one can achieve a sense of inner peace and calm. From the inner calm which can be generated from a clear and calm mind, one can be present in the moment to enjoy what life has to offer right now. As you open to be in the now moment, one opens themselves to a multitude of opportunities that would not be seen nor perceived with a cluttered and confused mind. The more confusion, the more chaos, the more internal pain one will experience in themselves. All of us can stop this destructive cycle in our lives now.

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